Angelica Monica Pantouw
REPRESENTASI PRASANGKA RASIAL SEPERTI TERLIHAT DALAM FILM HIDDEN FIGURES (2017) OLEH FOX 2000 PICTURES Angelica Monica Pantouw1 Isnawati L. Wantasen2 Theresia M. C. Lasut3 ABSTRACT This research is entitled “The Representation of Racial Prejudice as seen in the Film Hidden Figures (2017) by Fox 2000 Pictures”. The objectives of this research are to identify the […]
ELIZABETH BENNET SEBAGAI TOKOH YANG BERTENTANGAN DENGAN STEREOTIP GENDER DALAM FILM PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES (2016) Florene T. M. R. Lenzun1, Isnawati L. Wantasen2, Theresia M. C. Lasut3 ABSTRACT This research is entitled “Elizabeth Bennet as a Character against Gender Stereotype as Seen in the Film Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)”. This research […]
SINDROM STOCKHOLM SEPERTI YANG TERCERMIN DALAM FILM 365 DAYS (2020) : SEBUAH STUDI PSIKOANALISIS David J. Mamahit1, Isnawati L. Wantasen2, Theresia M.C. Lasut3 ABSTRACT This skripsi is entitled “Sindrom Stockholm seperti yang tercermin dalam film 365 Days (2020) : Sebuah Studi Psikoanalisis”. Stockholm Syndrome is a phenomenon known when hostages develop a psychological attachment to […]
REPRESENTASI KARAKTER QUEER SEBAGAI PAHLAWAN SUPER DALAM FILM THE OLD GUARD (2020) Rocky David Miracle1, Isnawati L. Wantasen2, Theresia M. C. Lasut3 ABSTRACT In general, men must be partnered with women and it is a natural thing. Anything other than that is deemed taboo and demeaning. To explore how the characters Joe and Nicky can […]
Chesi Brithania Tuju 18091102022
ISTILAH SAPAAN YANG DIGUNAKAN DALAM FILM PITCH PERFECT 2012 (ANALISIS SOSIOLINGUISTIK) Chesi Brithania Tuju1, Jultje A. J. Rattu2, Theresia M. C. Lasut3 ABSTRACT This research entitled “Terms of Address Used in Pitch Perfect Movie 2012 (Sociolinguistics Analysis)”. The aims of this research are to identify, classify and analyze the terms of address in the movie […]
ANALISIS TENTANG IDEOLOGI GENDER DALAM FILM “MULAN” (2020) DIPRODUKSI OLEH WALT DISNEY PICTURES Yeremia Kasiuhe1, Dr. Isnawaty L. Wantasen, S.S., M.Hum2, Dr. Garryn Ch. Ranuntu3 ABSTRACT The titile of this research is “An Analysis of Gender Ideology in The film “Mulan” (2020) Produced by Walt Disney Pictures. This research is aimed to analyze the gender […]
Aurelia Christalina Patricia Tangkilisan 17091102012
KATA SAPAAN DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS DAN BAHASA MELAYU TERNATE (SUATU ANALISIS KONTRASTIF) Aurelia Christalina Patricia Tangkilisan1, Jultje A. Rattu2, Donald R. Lotulung3 ABSTRACT This research entitled “Sapaan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Melayu Ternate: Suatu Analisis Kontrastif”. It is the requirement for the Bachelor’s Degree in Faculty of Humanities Sam Ratulangi University. This research […]
Yunita Pratiwi 18091102010
Artikel: FONEM DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS DAN BAHASA TORAJA (SUATU ANALISIS KONTRASTIF) Yunita Pratiwi1 Donald R. Lotulung2 Garryn Ch. Ranuntu3 ABSTRACT This research is entitled “Phonemes in English and Toraja Language (A Contrastive Analysis)”. It is the requirement for the Sarjana Sastra degree in the Faculty of Humanities Sam Ratulangi University. This research aims to classify, […]
Nama Mahasiswa : FLORENSIA ORCHITA V. WALELANG 16091102114 Prodi: Sastra Inggris KERENDAHAN HATI MELALUI TOKOH UTAMA LEIGH ANNE TUOHY DALAM FILM THE BLIND SIDE KARYA JOHN LEE HANCOCK Florensia Orchita V. Walelang (mahasiswa) Isnawati L. Wantasen (dosen pembimbing) Garryn Ch. Ranuntu (dosen pembimbing) ABSTRACT This research is entitled “Humility Shown by The Character of Leigh […]