Tindak Penolakan dalam Film Avatar karya James Cameron (2009)
Thalia Chrisnanda
Dra. Theresia M.C. Lasut, M.Hum
Dra. Rosalina R. Rambing, DEA
Tindak Penolakan dalm Film Avatar karya James Cameron (2009)
This research is entitled “Tindak Penolakan dalam Film Avatar oleh James Cameron (2009) sebuah Analisis Pragmatik”. This research was focused on the various forms and features of rejection expressed as they are communicated in the dialogue of the Avatar film characters. Communication might take the form of rejection. It disapproves of something the listener says, and disapproval is a perlocutionary act. What kinds of rejection are depicted in this film and how are rejection-related components of the Avatar film presented are the study topics that need to be addressed. This study aims to categorized different kinds of rejection as well as to examine and defina how rejection is depicted in the film. This study applied the theories of Leech (1983) and Crystal (1978), the researcher carefully considered the dialogue used by the characters when gathering the data. The findings of the descriptive analysis of the data revealed that there were a number of perlocutionary characteristics in terms of direct and indirect rejection, including unsetting, to think, to do something, to get know, fetful, persuade, afraid, distract attraction, annoyed, embarrass.
Kata Kunci: Rejection, Avatar, Pragmatics