Tanda Dalam Film IP Man 4 : The Finale

Vilia Serena Kaluntas

Dra. Rosalina R. Rambing, DEA
Dr. Garryn Ch. Ranuntu, S.Pd., M.Hum

Tanda Dalam Film IP Man 4 : The Finale

This research entitles “Sign in film Ip Man 4 : The Finale”. The aims of this research are to identify and classify the types of signs and analyze the meanings of the signs used in Ip Man 4 : The Finale film. The writer uses the theory from Peirce (butchler, 1955: 102:103) in the process of identifying, classifying and analyzing every scene that contains signs. The method used in this study is descriptive method. To finish this study, the writer read several books and journasl that related to this title, download the film on the internet and watched three times. In collecting data, the writer identify and classify every scene that contains signs and took some screenshoot to prove the writer data that are needed for the writer’s research. The result of this research shows that base on the theory from Peirce there are 26 scenes in Ip Man 4 : The Finale film, which are 6 object (icon), 8 representament (index) and 12 interpretant (symbol).