Perbandingan Dalam Menjalankan Kekuasaan Antara Vito dan Michael Corleone Dalam Film The Godfather Part : II (1974) oleh Francis Ford Coppola

Alvindo Eklesia Ilat

Dr. Isnawaty, Lydia Wantasen. S.S, M.Hum
Maya Pinkan Warouw, S.S, M.Hum, M.Ed, Ph.D

Perbandingan Dalam Menjalankan Kekuasaan Antara Vito dan Michael Corleone Dalam Film The Godfather Part : II (1974) oleh Francis Ford Coppola
“The study entitled ”Perbandingan dalam menjalankan kekuasaan antara Vito dan Michael Corleone”. The aim of the study is to analyze how Vito Corleone and Michael Corleone exercise their power, and what is the impact while their exercise power. The research methods that the writer used is Qualitative descriptive method for analyzing comparisons in the exercise of power between Vito and Michael Corleone in the film The Godfather Part : II (1974). The purpose of descriptive research is to describe a phenomenon and its characteristics. The results of the analysis of leadership styles used by Vito and Michael Corleone, based on Daniel Goleman journal Leadership that Gets Result (2002), it was found that Vito Corleone adheres to four leadership styles: Authoritative, Affilative, Democratic, and Coaching leadership styles. Meanwhile, Michael Corleone also adheres to four leadership styles: Coercive, Authoritative, Democratic, Pacesetting, and Coaching.

Keywords: Exercise Power, Leadership, Film

