Kesenjangan Sosial Akibat Kapitalisme seperti yang terlihat dalam Film Blood Diamond (2006)

Jill Marchia Mentari Ponto

Dr. Isnawati L. Wantasen, S.S., M.Hum
Dra. Rosalina R. Rambing, DEA

Kesenjangan Sosial Akibat Kapitalisme seperti yang terlihat dalam Film Blood Diamond (2006)

“This research is entitled “Social Gap Due to the Capitalism as Seen in the Film Blood Diamond (2006)”. It is intended as a requirement to accomplish the Bachelor’s degree at Faculty of Humanities Sam Ratulangi University Manado. This study focuses on social gap and capitalism portrayed by the main characters in the film. The purpose of this research are to identify, classify, analyze and describe social gap and capitalism in the film. In analyzing the social gap and capitalism, the writer uses Marxism theory by Karl Marx and film theory Mise-en-scene by Snyder’s (2011) in explaining the cinematic elements in the film. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by Sandelowski (2004). The results of this study show that there are four causes of social gap as seen in the film; the differences in natural resources, government policies, the influence of globalization and the geographical location and conditions. Meanwhile the effect of social gap are; the unemployment in squatter cities, poverty and the increasing number of crime cases. The capitalism in the film Blood Diamond portrayed by the main characters as the Bourgeois and Proletariat. It shows that lower class (Proletariat) are exploited by the upper class (Bourgeois).
Keywords: Social Gap, Capitalism, Marxism, Bourgeois, Proletariat, Film, Mise-en-scene”
