Kata-kata Tabu Dalam Lirik Lagu Machine Gun Kelly General Admission dan Bloom Album Taboo Words in Machine Gun Kelly’s Song Lyrics of General Admission and Bloom Albums
Mouren Jeini Tundoong
dosen Pembimbing:
Dr. Jultje Aneke J. Rattu, S.S, M.Mktg
Dra. Rosalina Rambing, DEA
Kata-kata Tabu Dalam Lirik Lagu Machine Gun Kelly General Admission dan Bloom Album Taboo Words in Machine Gun Kelly’s Song Lyrics of General Admission and Bloom Albums
This research is about “Taboo Words in Machine Gun Kelly’s Song Lyrics of General Admission (2015) and Bloom (2017) Albums. The objectives of this research are to identify and classify the types of taboo words in Machine Gun Kelly’s song lyrics of General Admission and Bloom albums and to analyze the functions of taboo words in Machine Gun Kelly’s song lyrics of General Admission and Bloom albums. The result of this research shows that 91 taboo words were found from 4 types of taboo words based on Batistella (2005:72) theories, the writer has found all the types of taboo words in Machine Gun Kelly’s song lyrics of General Admission and Bloom albums, such as: epithets, profanity, vulgarity, and obscenity. The writer found all the functions of taboo words in Machine Gun Kelly’s song lyrics of General Admission and Bloom albums based on Wardhaugh (2006:239) theory, such as: to draw attention to oneself, to show contempt, to be provocative, and to mock authority.
The usual function of taboo words is to draw attention to oneself and the rarest function of taboo words is to mock authority.
Keywords: Taboo Words in Machine Gun Kelly’s Song Lyrics of General Admission and Bloom Albums