Prinsip-Prinsip Kesantunan dalam Film Captain America: The First Avenger (Suatu Analisis Pragmatik)
Calvin Lutter Takalamingan 19091102124 SASTRA INGGRIS Dra. Theresia M. C. Lasut, M.Hum Stephani J. Sigarlaki, S.S., M.Hum Prinsip-Prinsip Kesantunan dalam Film Captain America: The First Avenger (Suatu Analisis Pragmatik) “This research entitled “”Politeness Principles in the Film Captain America: The First Avenger (A Pragmatic Analysis)”” it is intended as a requirement to accomplish the bachelor’s […]
Bahasa dan Gender dalam Film Jungle Cruise karya Jaume C. Serra (Analisis Sosiolinguistik)
Stefanie Aneke Paulin Marto 18091102149 SASTRA INGGRIS Dr. Jultje A. J. Rattu, S.S., M.Mktg Dra. Rosalina R. Rambing, DEA Bahasa dan Gender dalam Film Jungle Cruise karya Jaume C. Serra (Analisis Sosiolinguistik) “The conversation used by the male and female characters in the movie “Jungle Cruise” has many different language characteristics. This research aims to […]
Kalimat-Kalimat Minor dalam Film Guardians Of The Galaxy: Holiday Special Karya James Gunn
Mega Silvia Supit 16091102034 SASTRA INGGRIS Dr. Rina P Pamantung, M.Hum Muh. Hasan Basri, S.Pd., M.Hum Kalimat-Kalimat Minor dalam Film Guardians Of The Galaxy: Holiday Special Karya James Gunn “The focus of this research is the minor sentences in the film Guardians of The Galaxy: Holiday Special by James Gunn. The writer used the theory […]
Kompositum dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Saluan (Suatu Analisis Kontrastif)
Shintia Satolom 16091102014 SASTRA INGGRIS Donald R. Lotulung, S.S., M.Hum. Rosalina R. Rambing, DEA. Kompositum dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Saluan (Suatu Analisis Kontrastif) ABSTRACT This research is entitled “Compound in English and Saluan Language (A Contrastive Analysis)”. The objectives of this research are to identify and classify the forming of compounds in English and […]
Analisis Penanda dan Petanda pada Koleksi Foto Jurnalistik dalam Artikel 2020 The Year in Picture
Cristin Ezra Tamengge 16091102143 SASTRA INGGRIS Dra. Rosalina R. Rambing, DEA Donald R. Lotulung, S.S, M.Hum Analisis Penanda dan Petanda pada Koleksi Foto Jurnalistik dalam Artikel 2020 The Year in Picture “This research entitles “Signifier and Signified Analysis on Photojournalism of The Article 2020: The Year in Picture”. The aims of this research are to […]
Nomina Dalam Novel The Theree Musketeers Karya Alexandre Dumas
Janariska Weydekamp 15091102014 SASTRA INGGRIS Pembimbing Dr. Rina P. Pamantung, M.Hum Dra. Theresia M. C. Lasut, M.Hum Nomina Dalam Novel The Theree Musketeers Karya Alexandre Dumas ABSTRACT The title of this research is “ NOUNS IN THE NOVEL THREE MUSKETEERS BY ALEXANDER DUMAS” and it is intended as a requirement to accomplish a degree at […]
Tanda Dalam Film IP Man 4 : The Finale
Vilia Serena Kaluntas 17091102006 SASTRA INGGRIS Dra. Rosalina R. Rambing, DEA Dr. Garryn Ch. Ranuntu, S.Pd., M.Hum Tanda Dalam Film IP Man 4 : The Finale This research entitles “Sign in film Ip Man 4 : The Finale”. The aims of this research are to identify and classify the types of signs and analyze the […]
Kecanduan Narkoba yang Tergambar pada Cherry Sebagai Karakter Utama dalam Film Cherry (2021)
Heskia Joel Mewengkang 15091102013 SASTRA INGGRIS Dr. Isnawati L. Wantasen, S.S, M.Hum Dr. Garryn Ch. Ranuntu, S.Pd, M.Hum Kecanduan Narkoba yang Tergambar pada Cherry Sebagai Karakter Utama dalam Film Cherry (2021) “This research is entitled “Drug Addiction portrayed of Cherry as the main character in Film Cherry (2021)”. The object of this research is to […]
Kepahlawanan Dalam Film London Has Fallen (2016) Oleh Creighton Rothenberger
Dessi Natalia Kawalo 18091102180 SASTRA INGGRIS Stephani J. Sigarlaki, S.S., M.Hum Dra. Theresia M.C Lasut, M.Hum Kepahlawanan Dalam Film London Has Fallen (2016) Oleh Creighton Rothenberger This research is entitled Heroism in Film London Has Fallen 2016 by Creighton Rothenberger. The statement of problem in this research are what are the elements of heroism in […]
Prinsip-Prinsip Kesopanan dalam Film Little Women Karya Greta Gerwig
Alda Chalvarina 16091102081 SASTRA INGGRIS Dra. Theresia M.C. Lasut, M.Hum Dr. Garryn Ch. Ranuntu, M.Hum Prinsip-Prinsip Kesopanan dalam Film Little Women Karya Greta Gerwig Abstract “This study is entitled Politeness Principles in Little Women Movie by Greta Gerwig. The aims of this study are to identify, clasify, and analyze the maxims that are related to […]